Geek Academy

Advanced Post Diploma Course AI & BIG DATA

Big Data Analyst Junior Expert

Big Data Analyst Junior Expert

Mobile Apps, IoT, Social Networks and other technologies produce a seamless stream of data that must be constantly collected, processed, analyzed and displayed to obtain valuable information. This course will enable you to learn how to develop data-driven decision-making strategies, even starting from scratch!

240 ore
di corso

Servizio Placement

2 Borse di studio

5% di sconto per tutte le iscrizioni pervenute entro il 31/01/2020


Data is the new gold! Due to technological development, digitalization and the widespread diffusion of the Internet, companies of any size –  ranging from multinationals to SMEs –  now find themselves in possession of large amounts of data that need to be processed everyday. 

Since these data can provide lots of valuable information, it has become increasingly crucial for companies to rely on professional figures able to manage them and extract their hidden meanings. In fact, by now all the most important decisions at a company level are data-driven, and there are numerous tools to perform extremely refined and effective data analysis.

Thanks to this course, you will learn two of the most important languages ??for data analysis, such as Python and SQL. Furthermore, you will learn to use some of the most advanced tools in the field, such as Excel, Power BI and various Python libraries (Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn), as well as some ready-made Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence tools for Python (Scikit, Tensorflow).

Employment opportunities in this sector are excellent: what are you waiting for? Join the course and become a Big Data expert!


Learn how to manage Big Data from the basics, and give a boost to your career! The preparatory modules for the EXIN international certification in Cloud Computing are included.

Formula: Part-time

Durata: 240 ore

Dal 29/02/2020

N° posti disponibili: 2

Capienza: 8 posti

Sede di svolgimento:


Al Zahra St, Building In5 Tech, Dubai UAE


, Online

Docenti del corso:

I nostri Partner