--> Geeks Academy
AI & BIG DATA: Data Science with Python

Specialising Course - Workshop AI & BIG DATA
Data Science with Python

Specialising Course - Workshop AI & BIG DATA
Data Science with Python



Specialising Course - Workshop Data Science with Python

Acquire the skills to master Data Analysis with Python and its libraries: Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib and Seaborn!

Specialising Course - WorkshopAI & BIG DATAFormula Weekend

The workshop aims to train, on a theoretical and practical level, professional profiles specialized in data analysis with Python, which is by far one of the most used programming languages for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in the world. Create solid data-driven decision strategies with Python!

AI & BIG DATA: Data Science with Python


Duration: 48 hours

Job Placement


Where the Specialising Course - Workshop Data Science with Python will take place?





Online - March 2025

No promotion at the moment


10 places available
Specialising Course - Workshop capacity: 12

Specialising Course - Workshop Data Science with Python | AI & BIG DATA duration Weekend

Data is the new gold! Due to technological development, digitalization and the widespread diffusion of the Internet, companies of any size –  ranging from multinationals to SMEs –  now find themselves in possession of large amounts of data that need to be processed everyday. 

This data can provide lots of valuable information: for instance, it can tell companies which customers are interested in one product rather than in another, what trends are emerging or becoming obsolete, which customers are about to switch to a competitor and why, or even what to expect in the near future.

If Python alone is enough to arouse interest in companies, knowing how to manage data and to extract concrete meanings from it are characteristics increasingly requested by multinationals, consulting firms, web agencies, advertising agencies, educational and state institutions all over the world.

The workshop aims to train professional figures specialized in data analysis and programming with Python. It includes modules dedicated to: data manipulation, data analysis and data presentation through special Python libraries (Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn).

MODULE 1 | Python 4 Beginners

Learning unit to start programming with Python from the basics: setup of the development environment, introduction to object-oriented programming paradigms, reserved words, syntax, instructions, lists, sets, dictionaries, comprehensions, operators, functions, packages, classes , exceptions, lambda function, basic external modules, advanced data types, advanced modules, mathematical, scientific, input/output, write files, exceptions, errors, debugging.

MODULE 2 | Data Science with Python

Manage datasets with Pandas, import and manipulate datasets, manipulate arrays with NumPy, basic statistics, graphs creation with Matplotlib, exploratory analysis with Seaborn, data preparation, data cleansing, normalization, coding of categorical variables, dummy variables, date and time series management.

Request a one-on-one interview to learn more about each teaching unit.

The course is suitable for beginners who already possess basic computer skills. Being curious, motivated and passionate about the IT world represent a preferential requirement.

Request a one-on-one interview to know the details of our IT Foundation module.

At the end of the course you will be able to:

  • program in Python language and to manage back end projects with it;
  • manage, retrieve, filter, transform and present data, also in graphic form.

Diploma & Certifications
At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion “GEEKS ACADEMY DIPLOMA”, a “DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT” and the EXIN INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATIONS included in your study plan – if you choose to sit the exam, which is not mandatory.

Career Coaching 
For a period of 5 years after the conclusion of the course, you will have the chance to benefit from our Career Coaching service for free. 
Over 95% of our graduates have found a job within 3 months since the end of the course!

International Experiences
To our students we offer the possibility to take part in exciting study trips in Dubai, Seoul, Milan, Rome and Singapore, where the hubs of our international network are located. These immersive experiences represent a great way to enrich students’ wealth of knowledge and increase their career opportunities.

Global Alumni Community
By joining this course, you will automatically become a member of the AGA: the Alumni Geeks Academy.
AGA is the community that gathers all our former students in order to offer them support, help them strengthen and develop professional relationships, provide them with networking opportunities and notify them about the latest job offers. The Alumni International Day represents the community’s most important international networking event, as well as a valuable opportunity to keep up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.

Smart Education Formula
Course delivery mode: synchronous distance learning.

The lessons will take place on Saturday and Sunday (10:00-13:00 and 13:45-15:45 CET).

*The hours indicated are intended as academic hours of 50 minutes each.

E-learning Platform
Our flexible approach allows you to study wherever and whenever you want, even if you work and do not have much time. 
All lessons are delivered Live Online by qualified teachers, and are recorded in real time to give you the opportunity to watch them asynchronously on our e-learning platform, in case you miss one lesson or you want to review some contents. Among other things, on the platform you will also find many useful materials for self-studying, such as self-assessment tests, exercises and exam simulations. 

Minimum hardware requirements
Notebook:  64-bit dual core on x86-64 CPU | 8/16 GB RAM | O.S. Windows, Linux or macOS

Payment Method
Payment must be issued in one single solution before the beginning of the course.

The number of places available is limited

Please fill out the form to inquire about our services & promotions and to check the availability.

Read the opinions of former students!

"The ideal course for those who are interested in quickly absorbing notions of data mining and data manipulation in Python and integrate advanced forecasting models to their skills; very well structured, I recommend it to everyone because it has a practical cut that allows you to use the skills learned from the beginning, both at work (for data analyst/data scientist) and on a personal level, providing the tools to continue independently at the end of the course.

While knowing that in just three weekends it's impossible to go through all the contents related to machine learning, the course has managed to draw a precise and complete drawing of the supervised/unsupervised learning techniques available, stimulating the curiosity of those like me who are interested in going deeper.

A praise to the organization and preparation of the speaker, who captured the attention of the participants showing availability and deep knowledge of the topics".

(Simone M.)

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European Data Workers will grow from the current 6 millions to 13.4 millions by 2026; the worldwide value of the Big Data Analytics market will rise from $8.5 billion in 2017 to $40.6 billion in 2023. In 2019, the value of the Italian Big Data market was estimated at €1.4 billion, registering an increase of 26% if compared to the previous year.

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