--> Geeks Academy

Specialising Course xCompanies BLOCKCHAIN & METAVERSE
Bitcoin Blockchain & Lightning Network

Specialising Course xCompanies BLOCKCHAIN & METAVERSE
Bitcoin Blockchain & Lightning Network



Specialising Course xCompanies Bitcoin Blockchain & Lightning Network

Bitcoin will have no more secrets for you! You will also get to know Lightning Network, the network that allows instant payments at low fees.

Specialising Course xCompaniesBLOCKCHAIN & METAVERSEFormula On demand

Bitcoin, the crypto universe’s undisputed queen. Originally portrayed as an experiment for geeks, this cryptocurrency has gained more and more importance over time. Thanks to the Lightning Network, the number of transactions can potentially exceed hundreds of thousands!

BLOCKCHAIN & METAVERSE: Bitcoin Blockchain & Lightning Network


Duration: 16 hours

Job Placement


Where the Specialising Course xCompanies Bitcoin Blockchain & Lightning Network will take place?





Online - On Demand

No promotion at the moment


10 places available
Specialising Course xCompanies capacity: 12

Specialising Course xCompanies Bitcoin Blockchain & Lightning Network | BLOCKCHAIN & METAVERSE duration On demand

The mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is about daily use. Actions such as shopping, buying a ticket or selling your products should be part of that process. To make it feasible, the network must be able to support many transactions per second at low fees. Lightning Network is the solution which solves Bitcoin’s speed and cost issues, expanding its use cases. According to a report by Morgan Stanley and Arcane Research, the Lightning network has become a more efficient payment protocol than Visa.

Getting into the world of Lightning Network is not complex - you just need to know and download the right tools. Let’s find together what they are!

UNIT 1 | Bitcoin
We will address
the birth & history of Bitcoin and we will get to know how to mine and the types of wallets.

UNIT 2 | Lightning Network

In this unit we will cover theoretical notions, explain how the Lightning Network works, introduce the LNURL and Taro, then we will finally proceed to the key point - the payment process.

To access this course, no programming skills are required. However, it is recommended to have attended Geeks Academy's Exin Blockchain course.

At the end of this course you will acquire a solid knowledge of the Bitcoin blockchain and the operational skills to carry out Bitcoin transactions on the Lightning Network.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This workshop will not recommend investments. The participants will decide in full autonomy and responsibility on how to apply the technical knowledge acquired.

Diploma & Certifications

At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion “GEEKS ACADEMY DIPLOMA” and a “DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT”.

International Experiences

To our students we offer the possibility to take part in exciting study trips in Dubai, Seoul, Milan, Rome and Singapore, where the hubs of our international network are located. These immersive experiences represent a great way to enrich students’ wealth of knowledge and increase their career opportunities.

Smart Education Formula

Course delivery mode: synchronous distance learning.

The lessons will take place on Saturday and Sunday (10:00-13:00 and 13:45-15:45 CET).*

*The hours indicated are intended as academic hours of 50 minutes each.

E-learning Platform

Our flexible approach allows you to study wherever and whenever you want, even if you work and do not have much time.
All lessons are delivered OnlineLive by qualified teachers, and are recorded in real time to give you the opportunity to watch them asynchronously on our e-learning platform, in case you miss one lesson or you want to review some contents. Among other things, on the platform you will also find many useful materials for self-studying, such as self-assessment tests, exercises and exam simulations. 


Notebook: 8 GB RAM | CPU dual core 64-bit on x86-64 | S.O. Linux/Mac Os X/Windows 

Payment Method

Payment must be issued in one single solution before the beginning of the course.

The number of places available is limited

Please fill out the form to inquire about our services & promotions and to check the availability.

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In 2023, corporate blockchain investments in Italy surged by 70%. The European Union has prioritized blockchain for 2024-2025, while LinkedIn ranks it among the most in-demand skills. Closely tied to blockchain, the metaverse is projected to reach a market value of $5 trillion by 2030.

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