Enrico is a graphic designer, art director and administrator of Sectio sas, a company that operates in the visual communication sector. Enrico as art director takes care of the visual identity of institutions and companies through the coordinated image, communication campaigns, publishing, commercials, videos, the web.
Among the main customers of Sectio sas there are: Telecom Italia, Arci Nazionale, Philip Morris, ABI, Municipality of Rome, FIM CISL Nazionale, Wind-Infostrada, Viaggi dell’Elefante, STA-Mobility Agency of the Municipality of Rome, University of Studies of Rome "Tor Vergata", Province of Rome, Ministry of Finance, Auser, Autonomous Province of Trento, ATAC, Met.Ro. spa, CGIL Nazionale, UCI, ANCAB-Lega COOP, COTRAL spa, ISFOL.
He was part of the Aiap Board of Directors and held the role of Regional Delegate. His articles have been published in the AIAP six-monthly magazine "Progetto Grafica", in "Opificio", the monthly magazine of culture IRI Edizioni, and in "AIAP ZINE", the international observatory of Design. His main works are published in the volume "Images for ideas", Skira editions, 2007.
He is already a Professor of Visual Design at the Valle Giulia Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome La Sapienza and a Graphic Design Professor at RUFA, Rome Academy of Fine Arts.
He is also the President of Millepiani Coworking, a multidisciplinary space of innovation, incubator and business accelerator.